Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Directions and Goals

In May I was asked if I would be interested in creating items for a local farmers market that was starting the first weekend of June. I figured I could whip up some shopping bags and see what happened. Since then I have been selling some local produce, crochet shopping bags, homemade jam, trail mix, and dog biscuits. I've posted updates on Facebook for my family and friends as well as photos of what I have been creating. I've received several orders just through Facebook and after being told by several people that they were disappointed that I didn't have anything posted in my Etsy store, today I posted my first item - All Natural Peanut Butter Dog Biscuts - and I pulled out a book, "The Boss of You" by Lauren Bacon and Emira Mears, that has been sitting on my bookshelf for probably the past year.

This evening I started reading and one of the first things I am to do is a little writing and I thought I would include that here.

The first exercise is to write out my business goals. I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure what I want out of it yet, but I do have a few ideas in mind.

1. I'd like to save up enough money to buy a digital SLR camera so I can do more photography work.
2. I'd like to save up money to travel and see friends and family I haven't seen in many years.
3. I'd like to add to our savings account.
4. I'd like to make enough money to help supplement our income when Tony's hours are slow at his job.
5. I'd like to make enough to pay for medical insurance.
6. I'd like to build greenhouses to grow herbs and other vegetables to sell and make products from.
7. I'd like to be able to do more for the dogs and cats we rescue like paying for extra medical treatments other than just providing them with shelter, food and vaccinations. 

I've also had the idea recently of teaching others how to be more self-sufficient and not rely on others, especially the government, to provide for them. It's a journey I'm on to learn for myself and I want to share it as I learn various lessons.

Some of the goals I have for personal measures of success are:

1. The day I can buy the digital camera.
2. When I can buy a plane ticket to Pittsburgh in August, New York at Christmas, or Los Angeles to see family.
3. When I can pay all the bills and not delay paying anything on the months when Tony doesn't have many hours at work.
4. When we can get stuff accomplished on our cabin in Oklahoma.
5. When I have my first greenhouse (and each subsequent greenhouse) built.
6. When I reach certain goals in our savings account.
7. When I can get all our animals on flea and tick treatments. 

As for my strengths and weaknesses:

1. I love coming up with new product ideas.
2. I need to work on developing the confidence and self-discipline to execute all the ideas.
3. I generally have a good eye for detail and like to add small touches to make things special.
4. Overcoming anxiety and pushing through to show myself I can do anything I set my mind to.
5. I create high quality items that are worthy of being charged what they are worth.
6. I need to learn more about budgeting and taxes as well as marketing.
7. I can do anything I put my mind to!!!

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